Cyber resilience for business data

Cohesity and Semperis protect enterprise organizations’ critical business data and identity infrastructure from cyberattacks. The powerful Semperis-Cohesity integration reduces the likelihood of a successful ransomware attack through a layered defense approach, pre- and post-attack.

Cohesity and Semperis address the urgent need for AD defense

Eighty-four percent of organizations experienced an identity-related breach in the last year. Active Directory (AD) is a common target for ransomware operators and other attackers.

Together, Cohesity and Semperis provide defense in depth with automated, malware-free AD backup and recovery and first-of-its-kind attack path management to close risky paths leading to Cohesity data storage.

Mandiant researchers report
of attacks involve Active Directory
Gartner reports
of organizations have no AD defense in place
Microsoft reports
16 hours
Average time to gain access to AD by bad actors
IBM reports
277 days
to identify and contain a breach

Learn more about identity resilience solutions from Cohesity and Semperis

Cohesity Semperis ADFR backup recovery solution diagram
Reduce downtime risk with cyber-first Active Directory backup and recovery

Semperis-Cohesity delivers fast, malware-free Active Directory (AD) recovery after a cyberattack with post-breach forensics and industry-leading, AI-powered multi-cloud data storage and management.

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Discover and close risky attack paths leading to business-critical data

Semperis-Cohesity attack path management solution, which leverages Semperis’ attack path discovery tool Forest Druid, helps you prevent data breaches by uncovering risky access paths leading to critical data stores, closing security gaps to increase overall security posture, and accelerating incident response time.

Ready to explore the attack path discovery tool for Cohesity? Download it now!

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Reduce downtime risk with cyber-first AD backup and recovery

Semperis-Cohesity delivers fast, malware-free Active Directory (AD) recovery after a cyberattack with post-breach forensics and industry-leading, AI-powered multi-cloud data storage and management

When a ransomware or wiper attack takes out domain controllers, recovering your AD forest can drag on for days or even weeks, risking malware reinfection in the process and bringing business operations to a halt. Manually recovering the AD forest is a complicated process that is frequently overlooked in enterprise strategic cyber defense plans.

Recovering AD after a cyberattack is challenging

Infected or corrupted backups
  • AD backups can contain malware that could reinfect the environment during the restore process
  • Backdoors and persistence can linger in the environment post-recovery, increasing risk of a follow-on attack
Complicated AD recovery process
  • AD recovery and post-recovery is lengthy and error-prone
  • Conducting disaster recovery drills can be cumbersome
  • Provisioning hardware for the recovery can be a tedious, time-consuming process
Lengthy downtime and disruption
  • Failure to prioritize AD backup and recovery in overall cyber security strategy leaves organizations at risk of prolonged downtime as users are unable to access apps and services while AD is inoperable

Cut AD recovery time by up to 90%

The Semperis-Cohesity AD backup and recovery solution reduces AD recovery time by up to 90% with immutable storage options for AD data, rapid data recovery capabilities, and post-breach forensics to eliminate malware persistence.

Automated, malware-free backup

Malware-free AD forest backups are scheduled to run at customizable interviews with file auditing for simplified storage management and compliance

Simplified data recovery

Single-pane-of-glass visibility streamlines data management and recovery, including data privacy and control

Rapid, secure recovery

Flexible AD forest recovery saves time in the chaotic incident response environments and post-breach forenics eliminates repeat attacks

Mickey Bresman, Semperis CEO

During a ransomware attack, if the bad actor encrypts the backup and recovery system, the victim organization is much more likely to pay the ransom, as the company finds itself in a position of very limited options. By helping our joint customers identify and close off attack paths leading to the organizational backup and recovery system, Semperis and Cohesity can prevent data exfiltration and preserve the recovery option, removing one of the primary negotiating tactics threat actors have.

Mickey Bresman Semperis CEO

Discover and close risky attack paths leading to business-critical data

Semperis-Cohesity attack path management helps you prevent data breaches by uncovering risky access paths leading to critical Cohesity storage clusters, closing security gaps to increase overall security posture, and accelerating incident response time.

Business-critical data is a lucrative target for threat actors who steal sensitive business data as leverage for ransom. The most common path to valuable data stores is through the identity system: 74% of data breaches start with privileged credential abuse. Threat actors exploit vulnerabilities to move laterally through the identity system, escalating privileges until they’re capable of encrypting business-critical data assets—making recovery slow and painful, if not impossible.

Download attack path management for Cohesity!

Traditional attack path management is tedious and ineffective

Countless attack paths to data
  • Excessive privileges in legacy AD environments create thousands or millions of potential attack paths leading to sensitive business assets
  • Undefined Tier 0 perimeter leaves organizations oblivious to potential security gaps
Difficulty identifying high-risk paths
  • Attack paths to vulnerable business-critical data often go undiscovered until after the attack occurs
  • Common attack paths are often not the most dangerous ones
Limited resources and approaches
  • Security teams waste valuable time investigating countless attack paths rather than focusing on what matters—the Tier 0 perimeter
  • Prioritizing attack paths by commonality rather than severity increases the risk of data breaches

Save time in preventing data breaches

Protect your critical business data by locking down excessive privileges, prioritizing high-risk paths to sensitive data, and scanning the identity environment to uncover and close new attack paths.

Accelerated attack path analysis

Reduce time in uncovering risky paths to Cohesity storage clusters

Fast remediation of risky access

See a clear map of groups and accounts with access to high-value targets

Improved data security

Simplify attack path management to save time and reduce risk

Reduce downtime risk with cyber-first Active Directory backup and recovery

Semperis-Cohesity delivers fast, malware-free Active Directory (AD) recovery after a cyberattack with post-breach forensics and industry-leading, AI-powered multi-cloud data storage and management.

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