
“I just don’t have the time to deal with Active Directory.” How many times have you heard (or said) that? Cleaning up years of AD configuration drift and tech debt can be a daunting task … but not as unpleasant as trying to recover the identity system after a full-blown ransomware or cyberattack. Fortunately, you don’t need to choose between saving time and saving your identity infrastructure. Just 30 minutes spent identifying and remediating identity threats in your environment can have a huge impact in your fight against threat actors.

In this webinar, we demonstrate how to use Semperis’ free Purple Knight tool to:

  • Scan your hybrid Active Directory and Entra ID environment
  • Quickly identify your identity security posture
  • Create a prioritized remediation plan

…all in 30 minutes or less. So grab your lunch and your favorite note-taking tools—you won’t want to miss this demonstration!

Speaker: Kriss Stephen, Solutions Architect, Semperis