Daniel Petri | Senior Training Manager

Active Directory remains a critical infrastructure component for managing network resources, login credentials, and user authentication. Yet its centrality makes it a prime target for cyberattacks. One such evolving cyberattack is password spraying, a threat that’s gained in complexity in recent years.

Password spraying attacks stand out due to their stealthy nature and potentially high impact on your Active Directory. Stolen credentials through a password spray attack can pose a massive threat to your overall cyber security.

This article delves into the mechanics, risks, and countermeasures associated with password spraying attacks, aiming to equip IT and cyber security experts with the knowledge needed to protect their Active Directory environments.

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What are password spraying attacks?

A password spraying attack is a type of brute force attack. It targets multiple user accounts with a few commonly used passwords, rather than attempting many passwords against a single user account.

This type of attack avoids account lockouts that typically occur after multiple failed login attempts. Password spraying attacks are stealthy and remain under the radar of conventional security monitoring tools. In this way, the malicious activity can go unnoticed by conventional security monitoring tools.

Password spraying attacks exploit universal weaknesses in human behavior and organizational policies related to password security. Virtually any organization using Active Directory for authentication can be vulnerable.

  • Organizations that do not enforce strong password policies (as defined by NIST 800-63) are particularly susceptible and significantly increase their risk of compromise.
  • Organizations that lack consistent implementation of multifactor authentication (MFA), which adds an additional layer of security by requiring two or more verification factors, are more vulnerable to unauthorized access.
  • Organizations that lack regular monitoring and analysis of authentication logs might have more difficulty identifying and responding to potential threats.
  • Sectors with high-value targets (e.g., financial, government, healthcare) might be more attractive to attackers and thus face a higher risk of being targeted.

How do password spraying attacks work?

A password spraying attack takes advantage of both human password behaviors and network security mechanisms. By spreading login attempts across many accounts and possibly over extended periods, attackers significantly reduce the risk of detection. This makes password spraying a particularly insidious threat to network security.

The attack unfolds in several meticulously orchestrated steps:

  1. Enumeration: Attackers deploy various techniques to compile a list of valid usernames within the target organization. Techniques include:
    • Phishing: Sending fraudulent communications to trick individuals into revealing their usernames
    • Social engineering: Manipulating employees or using false pretexts to obtain usernames directly or indirectly
    • Public information harvesting: Using social media, company websites, and data breaches to gather employee names and roles
    • Directory harvesting attacks: Attempts to use numerous email addresses to authenticate with against the organization’s email server, noting which addresses do not return an error message
  2. Password selection: After amassing a list of usernames, attackers select passwords for the spraying attempt. The selection process is informed by an understanding of common password practices and trends, including:
    • Seasonality and current events that capitalize on temporal events or user tendencies to update passwords in line with current events
    • Common defaults
    • Simple password patterns
    • Widely recognized weak passwords such as “password”, “12345678”, or “admin1234!”
    • Data from previous breaches (people often reuse passwords across different services)
  3. Spraying: With usernames and passwords at the ready, the attacker initiates the spraying phase. This step involves spreading the login attempts across multiple accounts to avoid repeated failures on any single account. This approach enables the attacker to stay under the radar of account lockout thresholds. The attacker carefully times each login attempt, including pausing between attempts or conducting the attack outside normal business hours, to circumvent detection mechanisms.
  4. Access and lateral movement: Successful authentication gives the attacker an initial foothold within the network. From there, they might seek to:
    • Perform privilege escalation by elevating the compromised account’s privileges to gain broader access to resources
    • Identify and access sensitive information (including financial records, personal employee data, or intellectual property)
    • Use the compromised credentials for lateral movement and to penetrate deeper into the network, potentially compromising more accounts or deploying malware

What is the difference between password spraying attacks and password guessing attacks?

Both password spraying attacks and password guessing attacks aim to compromise user accounts through brute force techniques. However, these attacks operate on fundamentally different principles and have unique risk profiles and implications for cybersecurity defenses. The critical distinction lies in their approach and the defensive mechanisms they seek to evade.

Password spraying attacks deploy a few commonly used passwords across a wide range of user accounts. This attack’s efficacy stems from the statistical likelihood that within a large user base, at least a few accounts are secured with the same weak passwords. The primary advantage of this approach for attackers is its subtlety. The attack avoids triggering account lockout policies and minimizes suspicion by distributing attempts across many targets.

Password guessing attacks, also known as a traditional brute force attack, attempt many password possibilities against one or a few accounts. Attackers might use automated tools to generate or use extensive lists of potential passwords, hammering away at targeted accounts until they achieve a breakthrough. While potentially effective, this method is more likely to raise red flags through account lockouts or security warnings due to the high volume of failed login attempts in a short period.

What risks are associated with password spraying attacks?

The risks associated with password spraying attacks extend beyond the initial unauthorized access. These attacks can affect various aspects of an organization’s security, reputation, and operational integrity.

  • Unauthorized access to sensitive systems and data, such as personal employee information, customer databases, financial records, and trade secrets, proprietary information, and intellectual property. All are crucial for maintaining competitive advantage. Access to regulated data can also result in non-compliance with data protection regulations (such as GDPR and HIPAA), leading to fines and legal repercussions.
  • Escalation of privileges enable attackers to modify, delete, or ransom critical systems and data.
  • Persistent access is made possible by attackers establishing backdoors or deploying malware. This can ensure continued access to the network, making it difficult to fully eradicate the attackers’ presence and prevent further attacks.
  • Attacks on connected systems, including partner networks, thereby amplifying the impact of the breach. Attackers can also use their grip on the network and services to access additional personal or corporate accounts (e.g., email, social media, financial services), potentially leading to a cascade of breaches.

How can you detect password spraying attacks?

Detecting password spraying attacks requires a proactive and layered approach to monitoring and analysis. Given the stealthy nature of these attacks, organizations must employ a combination of strategies to identify suspicious activities early on.

Monitor for unusual login attempts or failures

  • Ensure that all login attempts, both successful and failed, are logged across all systems and services.
  • Establish baseline thresholds for failed login attempts within a given time frame. An increase in failed login attempts across multiple accounts that exceeds this threshold could indicate a password spraying attack.
  • Monitor for anomalous login attempts such as those originating from unusual geographic locations or atypical times, especially when they involve multiple accounts.

Analyze login attempts for patterns that deviate from normal user behavior

  • Employ user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) tools to learn and analyze normal user behavior patterns. Deviations from these patterns, such as login attempts at unusual hours or from different devices, can signal a potential attack.
  • Implement cross-account pattern detection to identify patterns of failed logins that are not limited to a single account but spread across many accounts.

Implement anomaly detection tools

  • Use advanced security solutions, such as SIEM systems and anomaly detection tools that integrate machine learning and AI to detect unusual patterns indicative of password spraying attacks.
  • Configure custom detection rules to flag specific behaviors associated with password spraying attacks, such as the use of common passwords across multiple accounts within a short timeframe.
  • Ensure that detection tools are integrated with other security systems for automated alerting and response. This integration can accelerate the detection and mitigation process, reducing the potential impact of an attack.

Conduct regular audits and reviews

  • Conduct regular and thorough reviews of authentication logs to identify trends that automated tools may miss.
  • Regularly assess the organization’s security posture to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities, including those that could facilitate password spraying attacks.

Collaborate and share intelligence

  • Participate in threat intelligence sharing platforms to stay informed about the latest password spraying tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Doing so can help you adjust detection strategies based on emerging threats.
  • Work with industry peers and cybersecurity organizations to share insights and best practices for detecting and mitigating password spraying attacks.

How can you mitigate a password spraying attack?

Mitigating vulnerabilities to password spraying attacks requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses both technological solutions and organizational practices.

Implement strong password policies, complexity, length, retention, and uniqueness

Establish and enforce password policies that minimize the risk of passwords being easily guessed. NIST 800-63 provides guidelines, including character length, character types, and construction.

Deploy and widely adopt MFA and user education

MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, even if a password is compromised. Apply MFA across all user accounts and systems, particularly those that access sensitive or critical information. Educate users on the importance of MFA, how to use authentication methods securely, and how to avoid MFA fatigue attacks.

Enhance monitoring and anomaly detection, log analysis and alerts, and incident response

Strengthen the ability to detect and respond to suspicious activities and identify unusual login patterns indicative of password spraying attacks. Implement tools for comprehensive logging and analysis of authentication attempts, including successful and failed logins. Establish protocols for responding to alerts on suspicious activities, including immediate investigation and containment measures.

Educate users on secure password practices, security and phishing awareness training, and reporting mechanisms

Organize regular training sessions to educate employees about the importance of strong passwords and the risks associated with password reuse. Conduct regular training and simulations on recognizing and responding to phishing attempts, which are often used for username enumeration. Simplify the process for employees to report suspicious activities or potential security incidents.

Establish technical controls and best practices

Configure account lockout policies. Ensure that users have only the access necessary to perform their roles. Doing so can reduce the impact of a compromised account. Enforce segmentation and a Zero Trust security model to limit lateral movement within the network.

Regular security assessments and penetration testing

Conduct regular security assessments, vulnerability scans, and penetration tests to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

How Semperis helps to protect Active Directory from password spraying attacks

Password spraying attacks present a substantial threat to Active Directory environments. By understanding the multifaceted risks posed by these attacks, organizations can better safeguard their assets, data, and reputation in the face of evolving cyber threats.

These attacks underscore the importance of robust cybersecurity practices. As with other attacks, organizations should consider including regular user education on password security, comprehensive monitoring strategies, and MFA to mitigate these threats.

Organizations must also prepare to mitigate the potential impacts of password spraying attacks. This involves implementing robust detection mechanisms, incident response plans, and recovery procedures to swiftly respond to and recover from such attacks.

Detect password spraying attack patterns with Semperis Lightning IRP

Semperis’ identity resilience platform provides defense against attacks that target hybrid Active Directory environments. From ML-powered attack pattern detection to incident response services to solutions to speed Active Directory recovery after an attack, Semperis’ expert solutions build cyber resilience for your Active Directory—and the operations that depend on the identity infrastructure.